Crystal Nicole Piper

Crystal Nicole Piper

Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Health Management and Policy



PhD,Health Services Policy and Management, University of South Carolina; MS, Public Health, Des Moines University Medical Center; MHA, Health Administration, Des Moines University Medical Center; BS, South Carolina State University

Human Subjects:


Personal Interests:

Reading Traveling Shopping

Research Interest:

As a health services researcher, my agenda focuses on health behaviors and the characteristics of disparities in chronic diseases and disease management among minority and vulnerable populations. I have realized that the development of healthy lifestyles often begins at infancy and continues through the stages of life (i.e. infancy, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, adulthood, and older adult), thus it is crucial to understand health differences across the lifespan. In an attempt to better explain the multiple determinants associated with a specific condition, my research agenda integrates a life course approach to the study of chronic diseases and contributes to the advancement of my expertise in the field. Several chronic conditions have been linked, in part, to fetal environment, which include the following: hypertension, type 2 diabetes, asthma, prostate cancer, obesity, cognition, and stroke.



Teaching Specialty:

Introduction to Health Systems, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Health Education & Behavior, Health Planning & Evaluation, and Research Methods

Relevant Publications:

GOOGLE Scholar
