
Dr. Michele Issel, Professor Emerita, Comments in Washington Post Article

Categories: News

Dr. Michele Issel, a public health professor emerita at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, discusses how the division between political parties in the United States is negatively impacting the public’s health. UNC Charlotte’s Niner Insider recognizes Dr. Michele Issel On August 2nd, Dr. Michele Issel was referenced in the Media Highlight section of […]

Health Systems Management Information Session

Categories: News

Join us for the Health Systems Management (HSMT) Information Session on Tuesday, August 24, 1-2pm in CHHS 131. This event is open to anyone interested in learning about the HSMT program at UNC Charlotte or the health systems management field in general. The session will cover general program information, discuss career prospects, and answer questions. […]

Meet CHHS Dean Catrine Tudor-Locke

Categories: News, Uncategorized

Visitors to her office at the UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services will sometimes hear Dean Catrine Tudor-Locke before they round the corner leading to her door. She has a laugh that carries. You might also be greeted by the drumbeat of her shoes as they connect with the treadmill under her standing […]